Uppsala universitet

Automatic Tuning of the Step size in WLMS Algorithms:
Applications to EDGE.

Lars Lindbom, Jonas Rutström, Anders Ahlén and Mikael Sternad

IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference - VTC'02-Fall , Vancouver, BC, Canada, Sept. 24-28 2002, pp 2229-2233.   © 2002 IEEE

Adaptation laws that estimate time-varying communication channels can be tuned for efficient tracking, by adjusting filters and gains within their structure. However, this requires knowledge of statistical properties that may be poorly known or time-varying.

A possible approach is then to adjust the gains of the adaptation law adaptively. The Wiener LMS adaptation algorithm (WLMS) attains efficient tracking by incorporating filters that are attuned to the fading statistics. It includes a gain parameter that will here be adjusted adaptively on line.

A WLMS channel predictor with adaptively adjusted gain is then evaluated as a component of receivers for EDGE systems, which use delayed decision feedback sequence estimation. The channel variations for such cases have a wide variety of properties that are tracked by gain adaptation.

Related publications:
Design of the general constant-gain adaptation algorithms. (IEEE SP 2002.)
Analysis of stability and performance, for slow and fast variations.
The Wiener LMS adaptation algorithm, a special case with low complexity. (IEEE COM 2001)
A Case Study on IS-136 channels. (IEEE COM 2002)
PhD Thesis by Lars Lindbom.
Robust design of adaptation laws with constant gains. (IFAC Como 2001).

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| Research on Adaptive prediction and tracking | Main entry in list of publications |
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