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Signals and Systems Group, Uppsala University

Typeset .tex file

latex foo.tex

which will generate the file foo.dvi (and some others).

View a .dvi file

xdvi foo.dvi &

    -fg Foreground color.
    -bg Background color.

Convert a .dvi-file to PostScript format

dvips foo.dvi -o foo.ps
Hint: Use the flag -P pdf for higher quality of PDF-files generated from the PostScript file (e.g. with ps2pdf). 

A Table in LaTeX

% Options for table/figure placement:
% t - top, b - bottom, p - page of foats (on separate page containing no text), h - here.
\begin{table}[tbph]       % [H] - if you use the float package.
    \hline                % Horizontal line.
    Data & X & Y \\
    \hline \hline
     Set 1 & 2323 & 46 \\
    Set 20 & 87 & 1226 \\
\caption{An example of a table in \LaTeX.\label{tab:ex1}}

LaTeX Output

Including PostScript Graphics

\begin{figure}[htbp]            % [H] - if you use the float package. 
   \scalebox{.5}{               % Scale the figure 50 percent. 
       \epsfig{file=test.eps} } 
% Figure text (caption).
\caption{\emph{Example eps-graphics.}\label{fig:test}} 


A smooth way to handle citations in LaTeX is to use a separate .bib database file. Citation is then made with the \cite command (se example below).

You need to add the following to the (main) .tex file:
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography}  % If you want the bibliography in the table of contents.
\bibliographystyle{unsrt}                     % Specifies the style of the bibliograpy.
\bibliography{foo}                            % Name of the .bib file (without .bib extension). 

Example of an .bib file

  author = 	 {Meyer Yves},
  title = 	 {Wavelets Algorithms \& Applications},
  publisher = 	 {siam},
  year = 	 {1993},
  author = 	 {Rioul Olivier and Vetterli Martin},
  title = 	 {Wavelets ans Signal Processing},
  journal = 	 {IEEE Signal Procesing Magazine},
  year = 	 {1991},
  OPTmonth = 	 {October},
  OPTpages = 	 {14--38},

Make a citation

The book by Meyer~\cite{wavelets} and the 
paper by Vetterli~\cite{vetterli} are good 
introductions to wavelets...


1) run latex on foo.tex (extension not needed)
2) run bibtex on foo.bib (extension not needed)
3) run latex on foo.tex two times - to get table of contents and citations right.

The natbib package

natbib is useful a package for citations in LaTeX. It has a feature of compressing and sorting citations automagically, that is [1,3,2,7,5,4] becomes [1-5,7].


1) For  IEEE,Ph.D, Lic etc


 2) For  JASA etc 


 3) For multiple ref-lists  (in separate chapters)


You need  one separate bib-file  for each chapter.

Index Generation

Put this in the preamble (between \documentclass and \begin{document}):


and put \printindex where you want the index to appear.

An Example

The book by Meyer and the paper by Vetterli are good introductions to \index{Wavelets} wavelets...


1) run latex on foo.tex (extension not needed)
2) run makeindex on foo
3) run latex on foo.tex two times - to get table of contents and citations right.

MakeIndex style (.ist) files

You can customize makeindex in a variety of ways. If you, for example, want headings with boldface letters in your index, then create the following .ist -file (with the same name as your .tex file):
% MakeIndex style file foo.ist
heading_prefix "{\\bfseries\\hfil "     % Insert in front of letter.
heading_suffix "\\hfil}\\nopagebreak\n" % Insert after letter.
headings_flag  1                        % Turn on headings (uppercase).

Format for UPTEC reports

UPTEC reports are formatted in a special way. The front page has a distinctive look, as has the second page. To aid in the creation of this page, there is a special package called uptec97. To use this package, issue the command
in the preamble of your document. To typeset the front page, issue the commands
\title{Some title}
\uptecno{UPTEC number}
\yearandmonth{Month and year of issue}
To typeset the second page, containing for instance the abstract, issue the commands
text of abstract ...
\titleswe{Swedish title}                              % Optional
\keywords{keywords...}                                % Optional
\lang{language}                                       % Optional
\projname{name of project}                            % Optional
\sponsorg{sponsoring organisation}                    % Optional
\security{security classification}                    % Optional
\suppbiblinfo{supplementary bibliography information} % Optional
\class{classification}                                % Optional
\isbn{ISBN number}                                    % Optional
All the fields above have counterparts on the official UPTEC document.

MS Word versions

There are also MS Word versions of these templates. They can be found at

Front page
Abstract page


LaTeX help in html format.
LaTeX help at Chalmers in html format.
more LaTeX help in html format.

Latex Examples

Example article
Example article (swedish)
Example of large report

webmaster@signal.uu.se | Updated Aug 28 2003 (FL) | www.signal.uu.se/Info/Latex.html