Signals and Systems at Uppsala University, Sweden
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Distance Simulation

Anders Larsson

Master Thesis, Uppsala University, Report UPTEC F99048

This thesis work has been based on an existing directional hearing system for pilots. Its purpose has been to add distance simulation abilities to it. To simulate different distances, a FIR filter technique has been used.

When fighter pilots are receiving many alarm signals at the same time, they cannot react properly to all of them. The large amont of information makes them feel stressed. To reduce this stress, a directional hearing system has been developed. This system is positioning sound sources in three dimensions and when doing so with the error signals, it makes it easier for the pilot to cope with with every single one. This reduces the so called "information stress" pilots often are experiencing.

Measurements were made at a field with large loudspeakers and a microphone. White noise was used as input signal to the system and the microphone recorded it while it was placed at different distances. Afterwards, a FIR filter model for each distance was estimated.

One of the problems encountered with system identification was non-stationarity. In this case, the wind caused the transmission channel to be nonstationary so the estimated time-invariant filters failed to describe the system properly. It is suggested that this type of experiment should rather be performed indoors.

Another problem was that the loudspeaker and the microphone introduced poles to the system. An ARMAX-process was identified and the result became slightly better. (If the characteristics of the loudspeaker and the microphone had been analysed before the identifaction, that information could have been used to improve the final result even more.)

Using thes resulting filters to simulate distances does provide some distance cues, but it does not give a true subjective sense of a distance.

Celsius Tech.

Thesis Advisor:
Mikael Sternad

Main entry in list of publications   | Nov. 5, 1999 (MS) |