Signals and Systems at Uppsala University, Sweden
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Antenna Measurement and Design

Ulf Persson, Pierre Keller

Master Thesis, Uppsala University, September 1998

An anechoic chamber, a turntable and two different reference horn antennas for 1.8 and 5.2 GHz have been designed and the designing process is described. An xy-table has been used for both reactive and radiating nearfield measurements. Software for controlling the turntable and xy-table has been written. A nearfield to farfield transformation program made in MATLAB has been written. This program is useful for antenna pattern measurement, when the anechoic chamber dimensions are insufficient. Antenna characteristics have been measured in reactive nearfield, radiating nearfield and in the farfield. Comparison between antenna pattern after nearfield to farfield transformation and antenna pattern measured in the farfield shows good correlation.

Thesis Advisor

Anders Rydberg

Main entry in list of publications   | Sept. 11, 1998 (MS) |