Signals and Systems at Uppsala University, Sweden
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Dynamic presentation system for an adaptive DCS-1800 base station antenna

M Wennström , J Strandell

Master Thesis, UPTEC Report 97 006E, 75 pages, January 1997

Report, available in Postscript : compressed(.zip) (629 KB)

Using adaptive antennas in telecommunication has several benefits. The coverage can be extended by using an array of antennas instead of a single base station antenna. Alternatively can the transmitted power be reduced. The capacity and quality can be improved by suppressing interfering signal sources and this capacity improvement is obtained by reducing the reuse factor (i.e. the distance between two cells using the same frequency set).
An adaptive antenna test bed for the DCS-1800 system has been built at Uppsala University in cooperation with Ericsson Radio Access AB..
A presentation system for an adaptive DCS-1800 base station antenna have been developed. The radiation pattern and bit error rates are presented in real time.We use the weights from the adaptive algorithm to calculate the radiation pattern.
    Calibration data is used to compensate for differences in signal paths due to imperfections in hardware. The weights are sent via a serial interface to a presentation computer. A graphical programming language, HP-VEE is used to create the program that presents the information. The bit error rates are logged from a base station testing equipment that simulates both the transmitting mobile and the receiving base station connected to the adaptive antenna system.
    Several antenna radiation patterns were measured and compared with the corresponding calculated patterns. Good agreement with real antenna pattern was achieved
         Ericsson Radio Access AB
        H Andersson, M Landing,  A RydbergT Öberg

Related research ; Main entry in list of publications  | Updated June 10 1997 (MW) |