Uppsala universitet

Robust Decision Feedback Equalizers

Mikael Sternadand Anders Ahlén

NUTEK Workshop on Digital Communications,
Uppsala, Sweden, May 25-26, 1992.

In Pdf 223K.

When digital data are transmitted over dispersive radio channels, a Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) can be utilized to estimate transmitted symbols. The paper presents a model-bases methodology for robust design, aimed at reducing the effect of model uncertainties and of decision errors in the feedback loop.

Design equations are presented for robust and realizable decision feedback equalizers, for IIR channels with coloured noise. Given a probabilistic measure of model uncertainty, the mean MSE, averaged over the whole class of possible models, is minimized. A robustification parameter, which trades off error propagation against theoretical performance, is also introduced. The resulting design equations define a large class of equalizers, with DFE's and linear equalizers based on nominal models being special cases.

Related publications:
Conference paper in IEEE ICASSP'93 on the above theme.
Licentiate Thesis by Erik Lindskog, May 1995, which includes ICASSP paper.
Robustification against time-variations within a GSM TDMA frame.
Robust filter design and uncertainty modelling, as described in Automatica 1993.

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