Uppsala universitet

Frequency Synchronization in OFDM -- a Bayesian Analysis.

Erik Björnemo

IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference , Stockholm, Sweden, May 30-June 1, 2005. © IEEE

The Bayesian approach offers three key advantages in the present problem of estimating the frequency offset when synchronizing a mobile to a base station in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system: a systematic way to include important information via prior probabilities; ability to update our probability distributions consistently using Bayes theorem; access to reliability measures for the actual estimate at hand.

We show that the Bayesian approach in these ways enables fast frequency acquisition without pilots at low SNR, and also provides a good indicator of when the mobile is sufficiently synchronized to transmit for the first time.

Our analysis and simulations indicate that oversampling and nulling of subcarriers can speed up the acquisition further. When pilot and (incomplete) channel information is available, it can be successfully included via priors to significantly improve the synchronization performance.

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