Signals and Systems at Uppsala University, Sweden
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Master Thesis Seminar at the Signals & Systems Group

Title: Channel Modeling and Simulation for the Mobile Internet

Speaker: Mats Berlin

Time and Place:
Wednesday, March 20th, at 14:00
Library, floor 2 at Magistern, Dag Hammarskjölds väg 31, Uppsala


This thesis is a part of the Wireless-IP project and concerns the modeling and simulation of a wideband radio channel. The simulator is to be an evaluating tool for new methods, which are to improve the capacity and speed of wireless Internet connections, as well as a tutorial in radio channel features. Since measured radio channels are a scarce resource there is a need for a channel simulator, which can create channels with features similar to measured channels.

The simulator has to be able to create simulations from a couple of samples up to several minutes taking both short and long term effects into account. The model has one, single antenna, base station which handles several mobiles moving in a “cell” and the surrounding environment is made of two different types of clusters of scatterers. A simplified type of ray-tracing is used to generate small scale fading and path-loss. Shadow fading is considered to be a stochastic process and added to the model separately.

Simulations were made and compared with measured channels from Kista giving satisfying results of the small scale fading features. A single long measured channel was also used to verify that shadow fading can be seen as an AR(1)-process.



Page editor: Mathias Johansson