Uppsala universitet

Transport Protocol Performance over 4G Links: Emulator Methodology and Results.

Stefan Alfredsson, Karlstad University, Anna Brunström, Karlstad University, and Mikael Sternad, Uppsala University.

Int. Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems ISWCS, Valencia, Spain, Sept. 5-8 2006.

This paper presents a wireless link and network emulator for the Wireless IP 4G system proposal from Uppsala University and partners.

In wireless fading downlinks (base to terminals) link-level frames are scheduled and the transmission is adapted on a fast time scale. With fast link adaptation and fast link level retransmission, the fading properties of wireless links can to a large extent be counteracted at the physical and link layers. The emulator has been used to experimentally investigate the resulting interaction between the transport layer and the physical/link layer in such a downlink.

The paper introduces the Wireless IP system, describes the emulator design and implementation, and presents experimental results with TCP in combination with various physical/link layer parameters. The impact of link layer ARQ persistency, adaptive modulation, prediction errors and simple scheduling are all considered.

Related publications:
PhD Thesis by Nilo Casimiro Ericsson.
SoftCom07-paper, analysing link- and transport layer performance interactions.
ISWCS-08-paper describing performance for delay-sensitive applications.

Pdf; 122K.

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