Uppsala universitet

On Efficient Implementation of the 2-D Capon Algorithm

Andreas Jakobsson , Torbjörn Ekman and Petre Stoica

IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Istanbul, Turkey, June 5-9, 2000, pp. 2151-2154.   © 2000 IEEE

We present an efficient implementation of the 2-D Amplitude Spectrum Capon (ASC) estimator, denoted the 2-D BASC estimator. The implementation, which will depend on the (forward) linear prediction matrices and the (forward) prediction error covariance matrices, can be implemented using the 2-D Fast Fourier Transform.

To compute the needed prediction matrices, we make use of a recently proposed 2-D lattice algorithm, which computes the linear prediction matrices directly from the multichannel data without first computing the autocorrelation sequence.

Related publications:
1-D Capon Method, EUSIPCO 2000-paper.
Capon and APES Spectrum Estimation, workshop paper.

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